15 Minute Daily Violin Exercises Practice Calendar

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Do you walk into your practice room wondering what you are going to practice? Wonder no more. Discover how to create 15 minute daily violin exercises practice routine and a practice planner calendar to keep on your music stand!

This 15 minute practice routine which focuses on violin techniques can easily be turned into 30 minutes.

  1. Decide upon the top 5 techniques you want to improve upon in your violin journey.
  2. For each technique practice three minutes.

The most popular techniques that I hear violinists wanting to improve are intonation, scales, bowing, shifting, and vibrato.

Struggle with what to practice? Feel completely overwhelmed? No need to think. I have put together 365 days of violin technique practice routines for you.

Includes Daily 15 – 30 minute practice routines.

Every day features 5 different violin techniques. Practice each technique 3 minutes for a 15-minute practice routine or 6 minutes for a 30 minute practice routine. No need to think or figure out what to practice. It is all lined up for you for one entire year!

Includes links to training videos, blog posts and more…..
Buy now and get started today!


As for vibrato, you can create an exercise where you just focus on every single day working on your specific fingers so you just vibrate one finger at a time and you can find out which of your fingers is a weaker finger. Perhaps it’s your first or your fourth finger. You want to spend more time on those weaker fingers of practicing vibrato every day.

For three minutes devote your practice time to vibrato.


Perhaps shifting is on your list!  There are different types of shifts. There’s the same finger shift and different finger shifts. Decide which shifts you want to work out and start honing in specifically on shifting. You can practice your same finger shifts three minutes a day just going from one finger in one position to the same finger in a new position any position first to third, second to seventh, fourth to sixth, whatever it is you want to improve upon.


Scales are a great way to improve your intonation. For three minutes a day pick a scale that you want to focus on. I would suggest going to your pieces and finding out what key your piece is in. So say your piece is in D minor. Work on playing D minor scales in whatever position you want to play them in and play these scales without vibrato so you can really work in on intonation that you’re centered on the pitch.

If you play anything out of tune stop and go to the note before the note that was out of tune and work out those two notes to improve your intonation.


Perhaps you choose to spend three minutes on bowing. One of the best bowing techniques you can develop is flexibility within the fingers of your bow hold. You want to be able to have motion and flexibility in the fingers of your bow hold. If we’re bowing with the claw or with straight fingers, it’s going to be really hard to have good bow changes and to develop more difficult bowing techniques. For three minutes a day, practice three inch bow strokes at the frog with fingers only. If the frog is too difficult, you can just start this exercise in the middle of the bow.


What position do you feel really insecure in? Sixth position, seventh position, second position, whatever position you want to focus on, I would suggest scales and also working with etude books so that you can practice reading in that specific position.

If you’re needing some fresh etude books to work out your positions definitely head on over to my bookshop. In the bookshop, you can find my position books to practice your positions with.


Another great three-minute segment would be to improve your tone with open string practice. I encourage all the violinists who work with me and also work in my Gorgeous Tone Academy to practice open strings every day as a warm-up three to five minutes a day. Since we’re doing three minutes right now you can play long whole bows on your open strings from frog to tip three minutes.

30 Minute Practice Session Formula

If you want to increase your practice time to 30 minutes, increase your three minutes to six minutes a day.

If you want to take all the guesswork out of it, I’ve created a practice calendar/planner for you and not just for one month but for all the months in a year.12 months of practice routines laid out for you. All you have to do is go to your practice room look at your calendar and see what you can work on.

So for example; one of the practice routines includes a third position D major scale, bow changes at the frog, half bows, to work in third position, mixed bowings, multi strings, double stops, quadruple stops.

There are many different techniques in the practice calendar/planner and it’s kind of fun because then you can just check it off as you go along.

This will get you started in your practice routine and you are good to go. Most likely you’ll practice more than 15 or 30 minutes when you have a guideline like this.

This 12 month practice calendar/planner includes specific techniques of what to practice within a checklist that you can use online or you can print up and have it on your music stand.

Purchase your copy here for $18.

Have fun practicing and beat the overwhelm of what to practice.

Be sure to share with all your violinist friends that are suffering from, “I don’t know what to practice syndrome” and have fun working with the calendar.



These two 15 minute practice routines can be practiced individually or combined together for one 30 minute session. If practiced individually rotate the sessions. For example, practice session 1 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and session 2 Tuesday and Thursday.


Practice both sessions as one 30 minute session.

These practice routines can be practiced alone or combined with your piece practice routine.

Want it to be longer?

Increase the 3 minutes to 6 and you have an hour long violin technique session.

  • 3 min shifting same finger

  • 3 min right hand finger motion

    • Focus on finger motion within the bow hold at the frog, middle and tip
    • Move the bow with fingers only, no wrist or arm
  • 3 min scales left hand focus

    • Focus on intonation
    • Any out of tune notes create mini reps practicing from note before the out of tune note and out of tune note
  • 3 min chosen bow technique

    • spiccato, up bow staccato, ricochet etc.
  • 3 min vibrato

    • 45 seconds each finger or 30 seconds each finger and minute and a half for fourth finger
  • 3 min scales right hand focus

    • Long whole bows
    • Frog to Tip with good tone
  • 3 min scales mixed bowings

    • 2, 4, 6, 8 slurred to a bow
    • 3, 6, 9, 12 slurred to a bow
  • 3 min shifting to different fingers

    • Shift from old finger to new finger in a different position
  • 3 min positions

    • Choose a position and stay in that position
    • Practice Scales or Etudes within that specific position

Would love to hear your feedback after doing the practice routine for a few days. Share your results in the comments below.

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