Immediately Improve Your Violin Playing via Group Workshops

with violinist Heather Kaye

Heather’s Group workshops for adult violinists are a great way to hone in on a specific technique in a fun and uplifting setting. These monthly workshops vary in topics from left-hand intonation to right-hand bow work.

All workshops are held on Zoom and are typically 5 workshops in a series. Most common days and times are Monday thru Wednesday 8-10AM Central and 2-4PM London.

Workshops are 55 minutes long and recorded for you to have the opportunity to download and keep on your computer for future reference.

All presentation slides, materials and any music within the public domain are shared via Dropbox for you to access as well.

Reminder emails are sent 30 minutes before workshops begin.

All you need to do is register below to be notified via email for Heather’s next workshop series.

Thank you for the wonderful workshops that you have given on bow strokes. These workshops, the recordings, and the wealth of material that you have provided on Dropbox are amazingly helpful.  This has been a real revelation to me and has immediately enhanced my orchestral playing.