How to Play a G Harmonic Minor Scale on the Violin

Ready to learn to play a g harmonic minor scale on the violin? Perhaps you are playing pieces in g minor and want to improve your g minor playing skills.

In this post, discover how to play the G harmonic minor scale on the violin. Now before you learn the G minor scale you want to make sure that you know the G Major scale very well before starting to work on the g harmonic minor scale.

The foundation for the G minor scale is the G major scale. When we change a Major scale to minor we lower the third and the sixth degree of the scale.

Let’s think about the G Major scale. In the G Major scale our third degree (third note) Is B (high two on the G string. We will take that high two and make it a low two as a B flat to lower it a half step for the G minor scale. 

We will do the same with the sicth degree (sixth note) of the scale which is E. We lower the E a half step and we have E Flat for the g minor scale.

In the g harmonic minor scale we leave our leading tone (seventh note or degree of the scale) as an F#.

To recap: when you change a major scale to a minor scale you lower the third and sixth degree of the scale. Now the word degree sounds scary but it’s really just a technical word for note, the third and sixth notes of the scale.

G major is:

G, A, B, C, D, E, F#, G

G minor scale is:

G, A, B flat, C, D, E flat, F#, G

We play the harmonic minor scale the same on the way up as we play coming down the scale. 

Practice this scale two octaves across the instrument by starting on the Open G string and ending with low second finger on the E string.

Say the names of the notes out loud while you play the scale going up and coming back down.

It is a great idea to practice your G minor scale when you’re working on pieces that are in the key of G minor. This will help you solidify your intonation and also your finger patterns. Your fingers will practice what they need to do and where they need to go. 

Have fun practicing your g harmonic minor scale!

Let me know in the comments how it goes for you!

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