Getting to know violin positions
Are you searching for some violin position education? Perhaps you are wondering what are violin positions? Where exactly are the violin positions? What are the benefits of violin positions?
Get ready for some fun violin position training! Even thought violin positions may seem difficult we are going to take out the fear and throw in some knowledge is power fun.
Click here to jump directly to the free learn the violin positions training video.
Violin positions are difficult because we are unable to see them since the violin does not have visible frets like the guitar. But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Violin positions are a systematic grid work of invisible laylines. To the naked eye it is just one black fingerboard but to an experienced violinist it is home to a beautiful systematic web of pitches.
Positions on the violin is a system of knowing where you are on the instrument. First position is the position that is learned first and is where the first finger is closest to the scroll (except for half position but this is learned later in the violin journey and is really a position of convenience.)
Third position is typically the next position to learn and is found by putting the first finger on the third finger’s home.
In the video, below I describe the positions and how to find them on the instrument.
Thanks for this article! I’m learning to shift now, so this is of course interesting for me. 🙂 For now, I think I like 2nd position most. It seems to ring the most. I especially like playing on the A and E string in 2nd position.
As for the next position I will be learning, it will be 4th position. I’ve been focusing on 3rd, 2nd and 5th so I will soon start focusing on 4th position.
For learning 3rd and 5th position I used your Position Mastery Books which are amazing! I feel pretty confident in those positions even after playing the violin for less than 2 years! Thanks to your books and videos 🙂
Awesome Marikoli! So great to hear. Fourth position is the next position book I will be writing. The book writing process takes so much time. The Master Second Position with Finger Patterns two volume series took way longer than expected to write because of the two volumes. It is completely time consuming. When I am in the book writing process everything else goes on the back burner and there just isn’t time for anything else.
You may notice, I even disappear off of social media and the not so present in the study group. Even with a virtual assistant helping out it is a lot of work. So, I can’t even guesstimate when the Master Fourth Position with Finger Patterns will be available. I am still recovering from writing Master Second Position:)
I suspect that Master Fourth Position may not take as long of a book writing process as Master Second Position but I am always surprised at what “pops” up. I do have a shifting book in rough draft mode as well. I just need 10 of me 🙂
You are doing a great job. It is so much fun to see your progress. xoxo
thanks Heather for this wonderful article plz let me know how can i enroll for it.
Hi Ashish,
You are most welcome. To enroll in Position Mastery, just click the Position Mastery image above or follow this link