Getting to know violin positions

Are you searching for some violin position education? Perhaps you are wondering what are violin positions? Where exactly are the violin positions? What are the benefits of violin positions?

Get ready for some fun violin position training! Even thought violin positions may seem difficult we are going to take out the fear and throw in some knowledge is power fun.

Click here to jump directly to the free learn the violin positions training video.

Violin positions are difficult because we are unable to see them since the violin does not have visible frets like the guitar. But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Violin positions are a systematic grid work of invisible laylines. To the naked eye it is just one black fingerboard but to an experienced violinist it is home to a beautiful systematic web of pitches.

Positions on the violin is a system of knowing where you are on the instrument. First position is the position that is learned first and is where the first finger is closest to the scroll (except for half position but this is learned later in the violin journey and is really a position of convenience.)

Third position is typically the next position to learn and is found by putting the first finger on the third finger’s home.

In the video, below I describe the positions and how to find them on the instrument.